In this series I want to show you how to use Python to solve some common tasks related to Cisco router scripting. Update, 2018.06 : I compiled a short training video that will teach you the basic Python scripting in PGT. If you prefer watching a video over reading the article, this is exactly for you : PrettyGoodTerminal - Using Python Scripts This tutorial will focus only on - so to say - applied Python language and won't go into details with Python syntax or language elements itself for one very good reason : at the beginning you probably want to have results quickly without reading hundreds of pages about the language. I always affirmed that learning something new is much easier when you get a grasp on it on a practical way. The most common task I came across is getting some basic information of a router or switch, like system uptime, version, interface status, etc. Of course, you don't need Python for simple queries, but when you need to do some text p...