A year ago or so I posted an article on LinkedIn, How to configure 50000+ CPE routers . Now I want to go a step further in scripting and share you my way of using Python for scripting Cisco routers. I show you the software and its usage for large scale scripting deployment because I do believe it is an extremely powerful network scripting tool, and all who face similar challenges might find it a good friend. It is not a commercial, I do use the software every day and I develop Pretty Good Terminal as needed to achieve my goals quicker and simpler in a more & more elegant way. In this article I do not wan to dive deep into scripting details but rather just flash some cool features of PGT worth highlighting. Should you be interested in details, you will find quite detailed descriptions about these features on the website of the software. A Visual Script using Python The software I developed for router mass-configuration has evolved a lot s...